In order to help our wholesale buyers to get their order as soon as possible,we are stocking a lot of hot selling hair,this includes hair extensions with different grades,because different customers have different quality requirements based on their business model and background,we have 4A,5A and 6A grade hair,6A grade is the highest quality hair,virgin,unprocessed,and the hair is almost the same length,but the price is a little expensive either,we also have a large amount of lace wigs and top closures in stock.
Buying online from overseas could be tough,a lot of buyers are afraid of scams,especially overseas.We got a customer coming from Canada a few days ago,his name is Mark,and He is trying to find wholesale hair extensions factory in China and buy wholesale,but he was cheated by some trading companies in ShangHai,finally his partner Jean found us and called me,and I told him frankly: there is no hair products factory in ShangHai,if you want to see hair extensions stores,then you could go to Guangzhou,if you want to see hair products factories,then you could go to QingDao,which is our city.At last,Mark chosed to visit our factory,and I had a very nice time showing around in our factory.He told me that he is trying to sell hair in Dominican Republic,and people there do not buy online,which make me very surprised.Mark is very Cautious too,cautious is good,I love doing business with serious customers.And before he leaving,he bought 23 pieces hair extensions as a sample order in our factory face to face.:)
So if anyone want to visit our factory and want to buy hair extensions face to face,this is 100% possible,just give me a call when you are in China,we could show you our factory and our stock hair,you could just pick any hair you like from our stock.My mobile phone number is 86-15615706500
A lot of people are coming into wholesale hair extension business,you need to find someone you could trust,this is very important for your business.
There are still a lot of opportunities in hair extension business,for someone who want to start this business and get sample orders,I recommend you could try to buy a few pieces from our stock ones,then try to sell them to your potential customers,because we have more than 5000 pieces in stock,and the order could be shipped within 24 hours after we receive your payment,so this could shorten turn around time and make you selling them fast.
I’m interested in purchasing some hair from you. I would like to see u face to face and purchase hair . Would you like to know more about the product.
Okay can you send us an email,so we could help you more: